What Are the Common Problems That Raccoons Cause?

Phoenix Raccoons may look like an adorable creature but there are numerous problems that can arise if you don’t immediately deal with your raccoon infestation problem. Aside from the fact that they can destroy our lawns and gardens, they are also possible carriers of zoonotic disease. Humans can contract this disease by interacting with the creatures and their contaminated excrement. Although some of the disease they carry has a minimal level of occurrence, it is still essential that you remain aware about these health-related issues.

Health-Risks Associated with Raccoons
Raccoons can definitely cause a tremendous damage once they invade our property. Be alert especially during the cold season since there is a possibility that the creature will seek shelter in our house. The warmth and comfort that our attic provides makes it an ideal den for them. Here are some major problems related with raccoon infestation.

Raccoon Roundworm
The Arizona raccoon roundworms are quite rare but it can be fatal. It targets the victim’s nervous system and it is known as one of the most serious cases that you can contract from animals. This is a type of parasite that lives inside the creature’s intestine. The eggs can be found on the raccoons droppings. This parasite has a high level of resistance against chemical cleaning solution and has the ability to remain in our environment for an extensive amount of time. You should be very cautious when you are dealing with raccoons. Once you disturb their droppings, the parasite can be airborne that can invade your system once you inhale it.

This health condition is caused by leptospira bacteria. It can be found in the urine of various animals which includes the raccoon. Humans can be infected with this disease once they came in contact with infected water, food, and soil. In case you notice that there is a raccoon activity around your area, be very vigilant when the kids are playing outside. Symptoms of this disease are similar with the flu virus. The victim will experience muscle pain, headache and fever. It can also lead to meningitis and kidney problems if not treated properly.

This is probably the most common disease that you can acquire from Phoenix raccoon. Apart from the raw chicken and eggs, salmonella can also be acquired from an infected water and food. Based on the study that was conducted at the University of Guelph, around 45% of the raccoons are possible carriers of salmonella. The number of infected raccoon is higher in the urban areas than in the rural region. Some of the symptoms include abdominal discomfort, severe diarrhea, and fever.

These common health problems can be transferred on humans through infected soil, water, and food. There are also instances that it can be acquired through direct contact with the creature. The best defense against these diseases is to be aware of their activity. You should also seek the help of the professionals to avoid directly interacting with the nuisance creature.

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